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Pension Funds

                      We specialized in Alternative Investment


We provide value and fill the needs of our Clients

All our knowledge to bring Solutions

The importance of Alternative Investment in International Pension Funds.

The allocation of Alternative assets is becoming increasingly important in the portfolios of International Pension Funds, which is currently led by the Real Estate sector, followed by Private Equity.

In the best pension funds, this situation is reversed: Private Equity ranks First in volume of Alternative Investment assets.

Allocation evolution by asset class 1999 - 2020

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Alternative Investment ranking by asset class:

  1. Private Equity

  2. Private Credit

  3. Real Estate

  4. Infrastructures

  5. Hedge Funds

  6. Commodities

  7. Derivatives

Source: OECD Global Pension Statistic and elaborated by 101 Futures

Business Cases

Asset Managers

Control Commission

Funds Management

Family Offices

We carry out Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of the risks associated with the allocation of Alternative Investment assets in Pension Funds.

We analyze the importance of including Alternative Investment assets on the Real Economy, Private Equity, Impact Investing and Infrastructures.

We monitor the Fiduciary Management of third parties and investment policies of the Pension Funds.

We analyze and prepare reports on Alternative Investment in International Pension Funds.

We train the Control Commissions in Alternative Investment.

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Watch Webinar 2 Feb 2023

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