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                      We specialized in Volatility


How we fulfil the needs of our Clients

We propose ideas, we provide solutions

Business Cases

Asset Managers

Investment Advisors


Private Banking

We design and build Management Models with systematic strategic and tactical hedging with Options.

We create Options strategies for the purchase management of Oil and Energy derivatives.

We model back-testing and parameterize with Volatility and Price variables in Index and Commodity markets.

We compose tactical strategies that we propose for Systematic and Unsystematic risk scenarios.


We design Futures and Options Trading models based on the parameterization of conditioned risk variables.

We define trading models based on Volatility.

We create dynamic models with volatility simulators.

We train and create tailor-made courses on Derivatives.

We define you purchasing 

           and selling Brent strategy 

  • Business Case developed for a company for the Purchase and Distribution of petroleum derivatives


We help generate new ideas and discover innovation in the use of assets
We apply our knowledge and experience in Volatility to the Crypto world

Business Cases

Asset Managers

Private Investors

Family Offices

We develop strategies with ad-hoc Options on Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Risk analysis in Crypto assets.

We assess allocation risks in multi-asset class portfolios.

We provide solutions on Crypto-currency Derivatives Operations.

We analyze and design customized projects for the operation of Crypto-currency derivatives.

We develop simulations of strategies with Options in the crypto market from our Calculator.

We train in Operations with Crypto Derivatives.

Contact us

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