Legal Notice, Conditions and Terms of Use
101 Futures is the owner of this website https://www.101futures.com/ (hereinafter, the Website). and Mr. José Carlos López Moraleja is the founding owner and creator of 101 Futures. For the purposes of communication of everything related to this website, they should be addressed to hello@101futures.com.
This document, together with all the documents mentioned in it, establishes the conditions governing the use, registration and subscription of this 101 Futures Website.
We ask you to carefully read these Terms and Conditions documents and our Privacy Policy before using this website. By using this website and registering as a user and/or registered member or subscriber through it, you consent to be bound by them.
"User" shall be understood as the natural or legal person who, after accepting these Conditions, registers on the website, creates an account or registers as a paying member of the Options Club.
Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions is mandatory and essential for access to all web services. Therefore, such acceptance must take place at the time of registration of the User and/or Club member, if applicable.
These Conditions will govern the relationship between the Parties (101 Futures and the User). 101 Futures reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions that, where appropriate, have been established for registration and/or subscription to the website and/or to the Options Club through the Website, when it deems appropriate. or with the purpose of adapting said texts to legislative and technological changes, being valid and taking effect from the publication on the Website of the new versions.
The temporary validity of these Terms and Conditions coincides, therefore, with the time of their exposure, until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the modified conditions will come into force, said modifications will not affect in any case the subscriptions made prior to its entry into force.
101 Futures, in its desire to provide and disseminate knowledge, has created this website from which to offer training and specialized consulting services in the areas of expertise of Derivatives, Alternative Investment and Digital Assets. Through this website, 101 Futures provides the service Futures and Derivatives online training course, a specialized training service through the Options Club space, as well as the presentation of consulting services in the field of alternative investment.
101 Futures, through its website, offers in addition to access to documents and training articles, other payment services for subscription and sale of courses, training videos, online training, consulting services and Options calculators, as well as specific services on -demand in the specialized areas of Alternative Investment, Derivatives and Digital Assets.
As a registered user of the website, you will have access to all available free access services for which you have not been limited by sale or paid subscription. As registered users and/or subscribers of the Options Club or any other service that has required payment of a fee, temporary subscription and/or purchase, access will be unlimited to all the corresponding contents of the specific contracted service and for the specific time contracted.
As a unique training space, 101 Futures has created the space called Club de Opciones, through which it offers you a limited access right for the subscription period to all its services, which includes the Club's training sessions and offline videos. of the same, as well as the rest of the contents of the payment or subscription website, provided that it complies with the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The educational and training material of the Club sessions and/or the courses available on this Website are exclusively for private use. The services offered are only accessible to users or people subscribed to the Options Club. By subscribing as a member of the Options Club, the User agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
The Options Club has the character of practical and theoretical training of non-regulated education and does not lead to obtaining a title with official value.
The User must be of legal age and will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information, guaranteeing the authenticity of all data entered when filling in the pre-established forms for registration as a member and/or subscriber, buyer and/or any other service offered by 101 Futures.
If, as a consequence of the registration, the User is provided with a username and password, or other similar means of identification and authentication, the latter undertakes to make diligent use and guarantee their confidentiality. Consequently, Users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords provided by 101 Futures, and undertake not to assign their use to third parties, either temporarily or permanently, nor to allow its use by unsubscribed outsiders, or third parties.
The use of the information and content offered, as well as the information and content of the website, by any third party that uses an identifier and password provided to the User for this purpose, due to a non-diligent action, will be the sole responsibility of the User. , voluntary supply or loss thereof by the User without notifying 101 Futures.
By virtue of the foregoing, it is the User's obligation to immediately notify 101 Futures of any fact that allows the improper use of identifiers and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorized access to them, with the purpose of in order to proceed to its immediate cancellation. As long as such facts are not communicated, 101 Futures will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the improper use of identifiers or passwords by unauthorized third parties and any request, use, provision and/or contracting of products or services will be understood to be made by 101 Futures itself. User being this, consequently, the only one responsible for said acts.
The access, navigation and use of the Website and the use, subscription, purchase or contracting is done under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User, for which reason the latter undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions given by 101FUTURES or by authorized personnel of 101 Futures, regarding the use of the Website and its contents.
The User or Subscriber and/or purchaser of services understands and accepts that all the content of the website and specifically of the Options Club in its educational aspect, as well as the other service and consulting areas, on Asset Management, Derivatives, Alternative Investment, Digital Assets or others that could be offered have the sole purpose of information and training, it does not constitute in any case an offer or invitation to invest or buy or sell any kind of financial asset, action or investment product.
The opinions, information and data contained on the website, as well as the content, information, documentation and delivery of the Options Club sessions and the entire range of services on this website have been obtained from sources considered reliable.
All Users and subscribing members of the Options Club accept and acknowledge that operating derivative products requires qualified knowledge and experience to understand the risks associated with them, as well as constant monitoring of the position, since these instruments involve a high risk if not properly managed. Derivative products are products that offer leverage, a benefit can quickly turn into a loss as a result of variations in price and volatility, for this reason you can lose more than the guarantees deposited and the losses can be greater than the balance total deposited into your account.
Likewise, all the information that the User could obtain from this website has a formative and informative character of strategies, in analysis of probability and risks, and can never be used and under no circumstances as an inducement or incitement to invest in any kind of asset.
Likewise, the User undertakes to use all the contents of this website in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, in accordance with current legislation, as well as not to transmit to third parties information that could be considered an invitation to investment.
You can check the updated price of access to services and/or purchase of applications such as the Options Calculator and the Volatility Calculator and/or others that may be offered on the website through the different service areas, as well as the Options Club on the www.101futures.com website.
The User can pay for the Course safely through a debit or credit card VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, etc., PayPal or Bank Transfer if required by the User and subject to prior acceptance by 101 Futures.
In the payment platform associated with the Website, the data required for this must be entered in the fields provided for this purpose.
To finalize the subscription to the Options Club, you must follow the online purchase procedure and click on "Pay with Card". After completing the purchase you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your order (the "Order Confirmation") along with the invoice. Likewise, you must accept the terms and conditions of the purchase. The registration, subscription and/or purchase of will become effective once the previous operation has been validated.
In case of withdrawal, you must reliably and unequivocally communicate via e-mail your desire to withdraw within the legally accepted deadlines.
The subscription to the Options Club is temporary and when the contracted subscription period expires, 101 Futures will not automatically renew the contract. At the end of the contracted period, 2 weeks before its end, 101 Futures will notify the User of the upcoming termination and if the User is interested in continuing to subscribe, they must renew their subscription.
101 Futures reserves the right to change prices or propose special promotions, among other actions, at any time, after having announced it on the website for a reasonable time and having informed members by e-mail. Possible changes will not affect registrations that have already been made.
Registration to the Options Club is guaranteed as long as there are places available and the payment has been carried out and in good time by the User.
The Course begins once the User registers and from the moment he receives the access codes. Enrollment in the Course can be done at any time of the year.
The Course sessions are available during the contracted access period, so if they are not used before the end of the subscription period, the unused sessions will be lost and will not be refunded.
Right of withdrawal and cancellation of the subscription by the Option Club user and the purchase of other services and applications offered by the website.
If the user cancels their access before the first access session to the Options Club, the full amount will be refunded. Once the user registered and subscribed to the Options Club, accesses the services offered, such as access to the Options Club videos or the online sessions, they will lose the right to a refund of the entire amount, but they will have the right to return of the proportional part of the number of sessions not consumed based on the number of videos viewed plus the number of sessions of the subscription period viewed or attended online. In any case, as long as the User has not accessed any of its services and sessions, they will always have the right to withdraw and cancel their registration in the Options Club through the Website, without the need to justify their decision. , provided that the Club sessions have not started within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of their online celebration.
101 Futures advises the User to communicate their intention to withdraw from the contract by emailing their decision to hello@101futures.com, or, using the withdrawal form model that can be downloaded here and that they can send to hello@101futures.com. To comply with the withdrawal period, it is enough that the communication regarding the exercise by you of this right is sent before the corresponding period expires and you have not attended any session or class of the Options Club and have not accessed the contents from the Options Club videos.
If the user has accessed the material and/or attended any of the Club sessions, his decision to cancel and withdraw will be addressed and the proportional part of the number of sessions not attended and not consumed will be refunded and provided they are in within 14 days.
The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. You must read and know the Privacy Policy; in particular whenever you provide or facilitate personal data through the Website.
The information or personal data that you provide about yourself will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy. By using this website, you consent to the processing of said information and data and declare that all the information or data you provide us is true and corresponds to reality.
For any communication between 101 Futures and the User, the latter must contact 101 Futures at the postal and/or electronic address indicated in the Legal Notice. In any case, communications from 101 Futures to the User will be made to the contact details provided or provided, preferably electronically. For this purpose, the User expressly accepts the use of email as a valid procedure for exchanging information and sending communications between and/or with 101 Futures.
The headings of the different clauses are for information only, and will not affect, qualify or modify the interpretation of the Terms and Conditions. In the event of a discrepancy or contradiction between what is established in these Terms and Conditions and the particular conditions that, if applicable, may be established with respect to the services offered on the Website, the provisions of the particular conditions will prevail. In the event that any provision or provisions of these Terms and Conditions were (are) considered void (s) or inapplicable (s), in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, said nullity or non-application will not affect the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions or the particular conditions that, where appropriate, may have been established. The non-exercise or non-execution, by 101FUTURES, of any right or provision contained in these Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed in writing by you.
Your comments and suggestions will be welcomed. We ask you to send us such comments and suggestions, as well as any queries, complaints or claims, through the email address hello@101futures.com.
Likewise, we inform you that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
These Terms and Conditions and the relationships established between 101 Futures and the User, in particular the knowledge and resolution of any disputes, discrepancies or differences that may arise, will be governed and resolved in accordance with the provisions of Spanish regulations regarding applicable legislation. and competent jurisdiction.
Toda la información aquí contenida se expone a título meramente informativo y no constituye una recomendación de inversión, ni invitación, oferta, solicitud o recomendación para llevar a cabo operación o transacción alguna. 101 Futures es un sitio web, y todos sus contenidos no deben en ningún caso ser considerados como recomendaciones, invitaciones o solicitud de inversión, actividades reservadas exclusivamente para empresas de servicios de inversión registradas y supervisadas por la CNMV. 101 Futures no es, ni está registrada como ESI ni como EAF, Empresa de Asesoramiento Financiero ante la CNMV.
Al reflejar opiniones teóricas y/o trabajos de investigación, su contenido es meramente informativo y por tanto no debe ser utilizado como un elemento de inducción a la inversión, ni servir de base para recomendaciones de inversión. 101 Futures y las personas, socios, representantes y colaboradores de contenido de 101 Futres no serán responsables de ninguna pérdida o ganancia financiera, y/o decisión de inversión tomada sobre la base de la información contenida en esta web, así como tampoco de cualquier uso no autorizado del contenido de la misma.