What We Do
101 Futures is a brand born from professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in the field of Alternative Investment, with a clear mission, to provide a unique and different perspective. Our value creation process is driven by a tireless search to understand how markets and the economy work. We use proprietary technology to validate the principles of our models, which we adapt to the particular demands and singularities of our clients. Founded in 2016, we are independent and we offer our clients a true commitment to excellence. We promote a culture of openness, transparency, inclusion and responsibility, we strive to reveal the most complex issues of Investment Strategies, Risk Management and Business Culture.
Our Services
We specialized in Alternative Investment.
We prepare reports and research papers on Derivatives, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Crypto Currencies, Digital Assets (NFTs), Real Estate and CTAs.
Our experience is backed by more than 30 years of experience in the field of Alternative Investment.
From the Options Club you will access exclusive resources and learn everything you need to know to face the challenge of managing Market Risk and Volatility.
You will learn to create the strategies that best suit your risk profile, to create your own models and how to apply them in the Markets.
From the Options Club we do it in a different way, in an absolutely practical way, simulating scenarios and helping you to see the Markets from the Volatility' perspective.
From Strategies you access a whole range of resources and high-value content for training in the field of Derivatives.
Strategies with Options
Classification of strategies by market vision and volatility
Explanation and definition of the meaning of the Greek
Volatility Calculator
Option Calculator
Liquidity Risk Calculator.
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